Gathering: 2016 MFA Studio Arts Exhibition, Montclair State University

Join me and my fellow classmates at the opening reception of our thesis exhibition at Magan Metz Gallery, 521 West 26th St, New York, New York on Thursday June 9th. Gathering will be on exhibit at Magnan Metz June 10th-17th.

The Exhibition is curated by Eleanor Heartney, the MFA program's 2015-2016 visiting critic. "The class of 2016 works with a wide range of media, themes and ideas. The eleven artists come from diverse backgrounds and delve into myriad aspects of contemporary life. I have no doubt that their explorations will continue to take them to surprising places as they move forward into the world beyond the academy," said Heartney of the graduating MFA Studio Art students.

The thesis show featurs the following artists: Ruth Borgenicht, Natalia Borisenko, Joseph Carvajal, Maryann Ficker, Meagan Green, Juana Rodriguez, Belmira Silva, Kasia Skorynkiewicz, John Spano, Stephanie Spitz, and Mina Zarfsaz.