Advancing Equity and Inclusion at Montclair State University
The Department of Art and Design recently wrote a news article about my diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work with students. Read the entire news article here.
The Power of Practitioner Inquiry to Train Masters Students as Equity-Minded Practitioners
In June, 2023 I presented alongside Assistant Professor Roman Liera, and two classmates from the MA Higher Education Program, Sunny Jung and Maneet Kaur. Together we explained practitioner inquiry and the way we used CUE’s Equity Scorecard to understand racial equity gaps in both enrollment and graduate rates at Montclair State University. We ended our presentation with a fishbowl activity and small group discussions.
Safe & Brave Spaces
In May 2023, I traveled to Vienna, Austria to present an interactive workshop titled, Safe & Brave Spaces. I worked alongside other graduate and doctoral students from Columbia University, New York City; Concordia University, Montreal; and the University of Applied Arts, Vienna; while I represented Montclair State University, New Jersey.
Read more about the Collaborative World Building: Co-creation and Social Engagement in Art Education Symposium here.
Accessibility in Higher Education: Finland and the United States
I participated in the Finnish Disability Studies Conference held in Helsinki, Finland August, 2022. This conference was part of a summer study abroad course led by Professors Jessica Bacon and Priya Lalvani, Montclair State University. During this 10-day trip, graduate students traveled to Tampere and Helsinki, Finland to meet with educators, care facilities, and disability organizations to learn about inclusive policy.
Read more about this study abroad research here.